Friday, April 13, 2007

Only believe

"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." - Matthew 21:22

Recently I have been on a journey of asking God for wisdom. Some of it was evident in my last post about raising the dead, but even more so I have really been seeking the Lord in the area of healing. I don't really know why it came up, actually now that I say that I know exactly why it came up, I am praying fervently for a friend of mine who has been a quadrapalegic for 36 years to be healed.

This next part could be "That ain't right: Part 2" which I will probably not get around to because I hate saying things that sound like I am complaining. Anyway, I was talking to him the other day and found out that his insurance is saying that some of the medical supplies that he needs are not necessary. Now if you know me, you know that I am not all for the government just handing away money to people who don't want to work. Additionally I support President Bush and will not slander him for any decisions he has made. My friend however does not mind voicing his opinion about the President and saying how instead of throwing billions of dollars into the war, the government should instead be helping the poor in its own country. While I totally understnad that it isn't the job of the government to fix every problem, I couldn't help but understand that taking the money that has been spent on the war in Iraq and putting it towards helping the poor and elderly would have great benefits for those people.

Anyway, I say all that to get to my point that I want to have a better understanding of God and anything else that would help bring healing to people that will otherwise continue to suffer. I don't know how much longer my friend will live. He is getting old and I am sure that his health isn't getting better due to the condition of his body. It made me think of the revivalists who have moved in healing in the past such as John G. Lake. Oftentimes, it was a struggle for healing with someone they were close to that propelled them into a greater healing anointing.

I see this current struggle as that for me. I can visualize the future and multitudes of people getting healed. I know that it is coming so when I pray it is easy to believe for it. And since I know that it is for me, I know that like Mary the mother of Jesus, I can ask for it now. I can ask God to get me ready for it now. I can ask God to teach me how to pray. By dreaming with God I am no longer bound by my worries of life but rather have my sights set on what God is doing. It is easier to embrace the process when you have a vision of the finish line. Grab hold of what God has shown you and don't let go. Train yourself so that you can do the best that you can and then run your race with your eye on the prize.

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