Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Are you hungry?

Ever go through a season of life where it feels like all you are doing is preparing for a deadline? In school it seemed like I would study for tests, take them, and then forget all of the information I studied. There have been times when I geared up for a ministry trip only to get lazy after it passes. This isn't the way it should be.

We should pursue God for relationship with Him, not for Him to show up at our meetings. Many trips that I have been on have left me tired, wanting to do nothing else than sleep. Why not spend time worshipping in His presence before going to bed? We spend time praying for God to show up but after He does, we often forget about Him until the next time we need Him to show up.

I used to get up early to pray in the Spirit before going to work, even if that meant that I didn't go to bed because of needing to be at work at midnight. I haven't been doing that as much recently. I used to spend all of my free time over at the prayer chapel soaking even though I didn't necessarily feel anything or sense that something was happening. It is a shame that I have to think about how it used to be. I realize that not everyone is going to be in full-time vocational ministry, but regardless, why shouldn't we spend hours a day with God? It is all about priorities and yes, I could do a better job managing my time. Working in a secular industry shouldn't be an excuse for an inconsistent or nonexistent relationship with God.

Think about it. Those in the secular industry need to be just as hungry as those in ministry because they have to compete against non-Christians that are probably more willing to make sacrifices for their career. Unfortunately we don't hear of too many great products that are made by Christians, but rather we constantly are bombarded by filthy movies because no Christian can make a decent movie that isn't in Aramaic about a guy from Nazareth. The attitude seems to be, "let the forerunners be hungry and we will just follow them." Basically, that translates to, let the radical people be weird and catch all the flack from mainstream Christians and we will try to ride on their coattails if it doesn't inconvenience us.

God reveals His secrets to those who are completely in love with Him. Last time I checked, if I was completely in love with someone then I would be sure to find time for them every day. Last time I checked the average Christian could sure use some tips from an all-knowing God. Don't forget the dreams God has put on your heart. Will you remain hungry enough to chase after God until He gives them to you?


Flyawaynet said...

Worse yet - will I remain hungry enough to chase after Him after He's given me those dreams.

Eric Rutgrink said...

enjoying reading your blog - keep it coming. Challenged too. God Bless - e

School of Prophetic Arts said...

AH! So good!! Come on! I'm right there with you, wanting my hunger for the Lord to INCREASE, even in the midst of so many things going on in my life right now. And I TOTALLY get the being in a secular industry thing. Man, working this summer has definitely been interesting :). And it's not over yet so, Jesus, let Your Kingdom come!

Amen to falling completely in love with Him...