Thursday, October 4, 2007

Some things never get old

Well, I just got back from The Well, which was in the nearby town of Leamington, which was well worth the drive from Rugby. The meeting was in a massive cathedral and people came from all over to attend.

Banning lost his voice before he even began to preach. He was leading us in prayer for England and as soon as he started to talk after it, his voice was completely gone. I could barely hear him with the microphone, so he handed the mic off to me to take over - or just to share some of the healings that broke out when Chris Gore and myself went to Canada the weekend before I came to England.

After we shared testimonies Banning came up and just called out a couple words of knowledge and we scattered around the cathedral to pray for the 25 or so folks who stood. I prayed for a woman in the back who had a problem with her knee in which it clicked and was weak. She tested it out and no longer had any problems.

So then I began to slowly walk up and down the aisle a few times to see if God would show me anything. I picked up a few things and then went down the outside to be more out of the way. God gave me words of knowledge about healing a heart condition, problem with the brain, and then I moved more towards the front and stood next to a pillar. I felt a pretty strong word for the left ear, but rather than asking the crowd over Banning speaking, I just waited. Well, within 30 seconds a teenage boy came over to me and asked me to pray for his hearing. It turns out it was his left ear and so I explained what had just happened.

Now keep in mind that Banning is preaching at this point, but this kid just gets up out of his chair and asks me to pray for him! Nothing happened the first time I prayed. The second time he noticed a slight increase, and then after praying a third time he said that his bad ear was now better than his good year. Banning saw what was going on and so the kid and I got to share how God had just opened up his ear after he got up to ask me to pray just after God had given me a word of knowledge for the left ear. God is so good!

Just a few minutes after he sat down another man got out of his seat and asked for prayer. Poor Banning. First he loses his voice, then people are leaving their seats to receive prayer while he preaches! This man was the boy's father who had memory loss. Obviously it is hard to test how good your memory is right on the spot, but he felt the fire of God as I prayed.

Then a few minutes after that man sat down, another man came over to me for prayer. This man said that the people around him told him to come over and have me lay hands on him because he has an irregular heartbeat that comes every 2 weeks or so. This man also felt the fire of God as I prayed. Three words of knowledge and three men that came to me to receive their healing for the very things that God was doing. God is so good!

By this point Banning's voice was starting to sound much better. The more people I prayed for the better he got! He wrapped things up and we were told that we only had about 15 minutes to pray for the sick. He wanted us to be able to give words of knowledge so we squeezed that in really quick between myself, Chad, and Wes, and then we immediately started praying for them as soon as we gave our words.

The first guy I prayed for didn't get healed of deafness- yet. Argh. I wanted 100% tonight. The next lady did however. The ringing in her ears went and she regained the balance that she had been lacking for a while. Her friend was so happy that she came back over to me later on just to boast at the work God had done!

Next, a man that I had prayed for on Sunday that wasn't sure if he was healed came back to get the whole thing. He left with it!

Then came another man with a "shopping list" of things he needed healed. First I started by praying for his ear. His response to me asking if anything was different was, "I hear you much louder!" Then I prayed for a cyst on his throat. When I asked him to test it out he said that if I had told him that I couldn't see it anymore that he would believe me because he couldn't feel it anymore! Finally I prayed for his hand. It didn't hold out for long. I felt like it was done and all the joint pain left. Praise God!

Finally I prayed for a woman who had pain in her mouth. Most of it left but then I felt like she had pressure in her ears. She says that she was very congested and had sinus pressure. When I prayed for that her sinuses cleared up but then she got a sharp pain in the side of her head. I commanded that spirit to leave and it didn't want to at first. I kindly stepped on its head and took authority over it in Jesus name. All the pain left and the woman was shocked at how free she suddenly felt. Praise God!!!

What a great night! It was a breath of fresh air for me as this is one of my favorite things to do, possibly my favorite thing to do - heal the sick. Not that doing skits, or sketches, for kids is a bad thing, but healing the sick just doesn't get old to me. We did the same skit over and over in schools this week before today when we finally got to do the other skits. However, we still repeated one of them four times. In order to keep it fun we added some improvisation to them but even then it still gets kind of old. However, with the last man that I prayed for tonight, the fourth person who was healed of hearing problems, I was more excited when he was getting healed then I was with the others. There is just something that never gets old about seeing deaf ears open and people being set free. Seeing what the Father is doing and then doing it is so much fun! Hopefully there will be much more of this to come in the coming week!


Anonymous said...

David, you rock!

The Fishers said...

Hey Man. I am in Scotland until Tuesday. Janna will be here for another week. Let us know if you are going to make it up this way.