Sunday, December 23, 2007


There have been men and women throughout history who have lived their lives in pursuit of fulfilling impossible dreams. These are the people who shake cultures, who invent things that are of vital importance, and who are remembered long after they have died. These men and women know that God has appointed them to be a catalyst that will change the world as we know it.

These men and women were not without opposition. They faced failure, scrutiny, threats, and attacks. However, what distinguishes them from the people that only the most studied historians would know about is that they were not satisfied by attempting to change the world. They were only satisfied when their mission was accomplished. Their dream of change would spur them on through defeat and their small victories gave them a taste of what they knew they must fully experience.

These were men and women of focus. They didn’t forget what they were born for when they faced opposition. They didn’t give up when faced with obstacles and they didn’t change the subject when others mocked them. They didn’t allow friends or family who opposed them to veer them off the path set before them. They would preach their message to anyone who would listen and even those who wouldn’t. They were never deterred by the odds they faced or how strong the opposition appeared to be. They sacrificed their own well being for the advancement of the cause.

These are men and women who prayed. They sought God to give them strength. They found peace in God through the fiercest storms. They understood that if God said it, He will do it. They realize that they are the Lord’s vessel and that they must follow the direction He leads them down to the most detailed coordinates. They abandon themselves to God’s grace because what they are trying to accomplish is impossible for man, but not for God.

These are men and women who left a legacy. They weren’t just legends while they lived, they were legends after they died. Their legacy lives on through the men and women who have come after them. They didn’t focus on serving themselves, but rather on serving others. Serving people they would never see, people who would never be able to give their appreciation. Jesus taught His disciples to do things in secret so as not to be rewarded (Matthew 6). He taught them to pray to God, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Legends are made out of people who pray. Legends pray for Heaven to invade and occupy the earth. Mary Queen of Scots said, "I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe." Legends leave behind a legacy for generations to come. What will your legacy be?

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