Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The end is near

School is almost over. I can't believe it. Today was amazing. The leaders called out students to come up and share what was on their hearts and it was unbelievable. So good. It was also a nice reminder to me that other people go through struggles too. Stupid devil tries to make me think that I am the only person who goes through identity struggles and can't get the mind transformed to think like the Kingdom. It totally reinforced in me the need to declare daily over myself the promises of God and what He thinks about me. I can't afford to think one thing about myself that God doesn't think.

Pastor Kris talked to us about generosity. It was amazing. I tithe and give offerings but it still hit me pretty good as I am sure it hit many people. I am now fully perplexed by anyone who argues that they shouldn't have to give money to the church. It really is an issue of the heart. If you want to argue against tithing and you give more than 10% to the church then fine, but if won't give because you think it is wrong then you have some issues that need to be worked out.

After school I went to my car to get on home to pick up all the DVDs for our La Paz team party tonight. Well, my car wouldn't start. We tried to jump it and it still wouldn't start. I think the end is near for my battery. I am gonna go get one tomorrow and change it out. I think it finally kicked the bucket after getting drained when my alternator failed during the winter. Oh well. The party was a lot of fun and it was great just to hang out and laugh at all the memories that were caught on film. Ok, I gotta get to bed, I got a long day tomorrow.

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