Friday, May 11, 2007

That was a good night

That is what I said to a friend and his mom as I left a friend's house last night after probably one of the craziest nights (in a good way) that I have experienced in my life. It all started when I was at home group and happened to be in the middle of a game of Uno when a friend called me to invite me to come hang out with the Westerfields. While on the phone it became my turn and not fully paying attention I put down my next to last card and forgot to call out "Uno" thus keeping me from probably winning that game. Oh well...the price I paid to get some breakthrough and and an encounter with God.

I really could have said that it was a good day because that morning I had an amazing time in the prayer chapel. Rather than making myself only lay down, I spent some time just soaking in a chair. Boy was it good. There were a few times where God's presence was so heavy on me that it felt like someone was sitting on me. Actually I guess it would be more accurate to describe it as a really heavy blanket covering my entire body. Then while reading my Bible I felt like I was getting more revelation than I have been getting recently. Maybe I should be reading more...

School was great as well. Danny Silk spoke to us for the last time and was great as always. One of the interns, Israel, talked to us for a while and was stinking awesome! It was amazing. He told the Power Costs and the Healing Anointing dreams which get me every time I hear them. Lastly, Mark Brookes spoke. He can preach. Yeah, I can't even remember what he talked about after what happened last night.

So I went over to the house where we were meeting and saw how few people were there. After a few minutes and a few more people got there Jason asked if we were ready to start. Ready to start? I thought that we were just hanging out. Well, it turned out much better than just hanging out. He asked everyone what they came expecting and pretty much everyone mentioned intimacy. I also mentioned that I was wanting and understanding of how the Spirit is moving so I can work with Him, just as I have talked about only doing what I see the Father doing. Well, that was probably what Jason talked about most of the time. It was phenomenal. I wish I had it recorded because he was talking so fast that my mind could catch very little.

The thing that was scary (in a good way) about it was how similar it was to an experience I had when Todd Bentley was speaking at the Encounter conference back in February. The presence of God was so heavy that I couldn't handle it and felt like I needed to leave. Before I could leave though Todd told everyone that they could lay down on the floor or do whatever, which I took him up on and that helped a lot. Well, this went on last night for who knows how long until I broke out in a pretty good sweat, had shortness of breath, and felt too weak to get up out of my chair. Often all I could do was drop my head in front of me or drop it into the back of the chair behind me. Finally, I got up to go to the restroom and barely felt like I would make it there (it was only 10 steps away). I sat down again because I felt weak like I do when I am about to throw up (even though I didn't think I was going to) and got some cold water on my face. I went back out drank some water before going back out to the room. Stuff was starting to break in the room and I was starting to feel better. Then Jason described pretty much what had just happened to me was going to start happening to some people in the room.

Within a minute or two I felt completely normal again. We started to pray more and again stuff began to break. I didn't understand most of what was going on, but I believe that I am starting to get a grasp on the reality of the spiritual realm. I did catch from Jason that so much of the struggle is in our minds. We forget that we have the mind of Christ and that the Kingdom of God is within us. One of the things that hit me the most that he said had to do with fear. He mentioned that the fear and shaking that happens when we are looking for eggs at the grocery store but then see someone in a wheelchair, our compassion for the person starts kicking at the demonic (that isn't exactly what he said, because I can't remember, so I will try to explain it). When the two Kingdoms collide it produces fear in us. Why? We are feeling the fear that the kingdom of darkness is feeling. He then said that the greater fear that we face, the greater breakthrough will come after it is broken. That is encouraging to me because I am normally very scared!

Although he didn't pray for me for impartation like he did for almost everyone else, I still feel like I got a ton out of those few hours. I can see why the name of his ministry is Kingdom Realities, because it really is a reality of the Kingdom that changes everything. As the Kingdom becomes real to us and continues to become more real we begin to walk in more and more. It is all about understanding the Kingdom. I am so thankful for that opportunity to connect with the Spirit of God because it confirmed to me that my search for understanding is exactly the thing that I need.

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