Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Purposeful Planning

At one point this morning it seemed as though nothing could go right. It is partially my fault for checking my email and seeing that there was something for me to update on Jesusculture.org, but regardless, it set me off to a bad start almost 5 hours after I had woken up (and yes, 5 hours after I woke up was still the morning, and it was probably before a few of you woke up).

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time in the past week that making an update on the Jesus Culture website has gotten me rather mad. I would not think twice about it other than the fact that I do not get angry with people. Fortunately I am getting angry at the internet or the website not working properly instead of getting angry at another person, and double fortunately I am not getting angry at it when anyone is around, however, I don’t want to get mad at anything except for a holy anger at the devil.

I was running a little bit late to help my friends because of trying to squeeze in more than I had allowed time for. Then I went to the post office to finally put in my change of address form but I couldn’t remember the new address. Then I noticed that I could have done this online. So I drove to the old house to find that nobody was there giving me the opportunity to go back to the apartment to get my mail forwarded online. Then I check my email and see that the website was needing a pretty important update. The internet worked long enough for me to see that somehow the link to the page I was updating got messed up. Then when I knew it needed to be fixed, the internet would not work. After getting a phone call back from my friend asking if I was still coming I tried one more time and this time it worked! Thank you Jesus! So after 15 more minutes of fixing the problems and updating the site I was on my way.

I lacked planning and didn’t have my priorities straight to follow through on the commitment I had made to help my friends. Soon after arriving to help them I realized another important lesson: If you don’t know your purpose then you are almost completely useless and ineffective. I felt very out of place as I stood around wondering how I could help. I didn’t know my purpose and because of that simple bit of knowledge, I didn’t get much accomplished.

It is my goal this summer to have a purpose, some of which I have already laid out, so that I know what I want to do and what I need to do in order to accomplish it.

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